
news/2024/9/27 22:11:46 标签: 架构, 网络

        Items relating to the standardization of payment metering systems that might need to be
addressed in the future are:

        a) as each industry specification is proposed to the IEC for standardization, further work
will be required from the WG15 to transform these into the format specified by this technical report;

        a) 作为每一个工业规范,目的是达到 IEC 的标准,将来的工作需要从 WG15 转化成本技术报告规定的格式。

        b) the adequacy of this technical report will be tested once the first transformation work is
attempted. Some details may have to be altered or added once the first attempt is made
and it will be further tested when many variants of payment metering systems are worked
on. This is likely to be the case with two-way virtual token carrier based systems, for
路虚拟 TOKEN 载体。

        c) there may be a need to align payment metering system specifications with that of relevant
parts of the DLMS-COSEM-OBIS specification as defined in the IEC 62056 series;
        c)预付费计量系统规范,需要参照与 DLMS-COSEM-OBIS 规范中的相关部分,作为定义列入
IEC 62056 体系。

        d) the emerging needs of the deregulated electricity supply industry may require a revised
approach to this model of the payment metering system. Issues pertaining to the arbitration and settlements of bills between the Generation Companies, Transmission Companies, Distribution Companies, Meter Operators, Suppliers/Retailers and Customers may have to be addressed, for example.
        d) 供电行业放开之后,对预付费计量系统规范修订工作的要求日益紧迫。发电、输电、供电企业和消费者之间产生的费用纠纷如何仲裁,以及相关的内容均需要在规范中做出明确的规定。




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